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Frequently Asked Questions

Wasn't Goodland an orphanage/children's home?


We have had a long history of serving children for over 170 years. Throughout the years, Goodland has focused on serving multiple needs in society; including orphans, delinquents, and troubled youth. We have always been on the forefront of serving the needs of children. Education has always been at the heart of what we do. In recent years, the Goodland board of trustees has transformed Goodland back into its original purpose of being a school.


My relative attended in the 1900s, do you have any information on their enrollment?

Goodland maintains a limited archive of photos, stories, and student enrollment records. Reach out to our Development Department for more information.

Where is Goodland Academy located?

Goodland is located in rural southeastern Oklahoma about 4 miles north of the Red River. It is 25 miles north of Paris, Texas and 48 miles east of Durant, Oklahoma. Our physical address is 1216 North 4200 Road, Hugo, OK 74743. Click here for a snapshot of Goodland on the map.

How many attend Goodland Academy?

Goodland seeks to keep a low student/staff ratio in order to provide individualized attention. Our campus can currently house 24 students; however, we typically run about 20 students (including our after-care college program).

How much does it cost to attend?

Goodland charges moderate tuition and residential fees. Our tuition is based on a sliding scale that centers around the parent's or guardian's income. Goodland has always been committed to helping those families in need. Financial aid is determined on an individual basis and families are never turned away for their inability to pay. Please contact the Dean of Students or check out our links on financial aid.

How is Goodland Academy funded?

Goodland is mostly supported by private donations from individuals, churches, businesses, corporations, foundations, and scholarship funds. We receive a small portion of Federal and State funding through the USDA School Lunch Program. For more info on how to support Goodland, click here!

Who governs Goodland Academy?

Goodland is governed by a self-appointing board of trustees from various states and backgrounds. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Is Goodland Academy a religious school?

Our spiritual life program is a key part of the foundation of our school. Our history is founded on the efforts of Christian missionaries to minister to vulnerable populations. Our supporters, board, and volunteers come from a diverse Christian background, including: Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, and non-denominational. Our staff comprises of a blend of Christian faiths as well. Students enrolling in Goodland Academy understand that the Christian faith will be a daily part of their education. Goodland maintains a mutual, covenant relationship with the PCUSA (Presbyterian Church USA).

Is the campus open to the public?

Certainly! Although, typically, we do request that you contact us ahead of time so that we can schedule your visit. Goodland sits on a beautiful, rural 390-acre campus that is teeming with wildlife, forests, and beautiful historical buildings. We love giving tours of the rich history of Goodland Academy. We ask that any visitors contact ahead of time and check in at the administrative office.

Can my church bring a workgroup?

Goodland Academy wouldn't be the school that it is today without the tireless efforts of thousands of volunteers. We love to have workgroups of various skills and sizes come to visit. Reach out to our Development Department for more information!


Goodland Academy

1216 N. 4200 Rd. Hugo, OK 74743


Administrative Offices

Monday - Friday:

8:30AM - 12:00PM, 12:30PM - 5PM

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

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